Factual Friday: Sleep Hygiene


I think we can all agree that there are few things better than getting cozy in your bed and finally drifting off to sleep. And yet, I think we can also all agree that falling asleep can sometimes be really difficult! Staying asleep can also be really difficult, especially when your fire alarm wakes you up at 2 AM due to the broken water heater upstairs, but I digress. This week I want to discuss sleep hygiene. For those unfamiliar with that term, the American Sleep Association defines it as…READ MORE

Factual Friday: Toni Morrison

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The first time I encountered Toni Morrison was in my English class, senior year. I read her book, Beloved which tells the story of a woman who was formerly enslaved but at the time the book takes place, she is living in a post slavery America. I am particularly thankful I got to read this book in a classroom setting, as it is a difficult book to read. I say this because naturally a book discussing the realities of slavery is…READ MORE

Factual Friday - Claudette Colvin


When I think of Rosa Parks I immediately think of her courageous refusal to give up her seat on the bus to a White person. What I didn’t realize was that Rosa Parks was one of many Black women who did this. Today’s edition of Factual Friday (or maybe I should rename it to “Women We Didn’t Learn About in School”) is about Claudette Colvin; a woman who refused to give up her seat 9 months before Rosa Parks in 1955READ MORE

Factual Friday - Daisy Bates

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Most of us are probably familiar with the Little Rock Nine, the first group of Black students to attend, and integrate, Little Rock Central High School. However, it wasn’t until today that I learned who was the brains behind this movement. Buckle up ladies, today we’re learning about the life and legacy of the courageous Daisy Bates. READ MORE

Factual Friday - Fast Fashion


Fast fashion is a term I’ve heard thrown around a lot in the past few years and it’s an issue that makes me feel quite conflicted. For people (like myself) who don’t have a huge clothing budget, fast fashion becomes a more nuanced issue. On one hand, fast fashion is undeniably harmful to the environment and brings up questions of a moral work environment. On the other hand, fast fashion strikes the perfect balance between practical and budget friendly. So let’s dive in, ladies! Factual Friday: Fast Fashion edition awaits us!…READ MORE

Written by: Zoe


I'm going to say it and age myself, but this day and time, manners have flown out of the window!  Yes, I am currently looking around to see where my Grandparents are because I am *certain* one of them just said that.  In a time where the masses are vying for a place at the "table", it seems as though people have forgotten one major thing…

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And not to be a downer, but for those of us who aren't "attached" this day can really bring out the disinfectant spray in our personalities.  It is difficult to ignore the couples and the flowers and the candy and the canoodling, etc.  In no way am I saying that those things aren't lovely to have in life.  But I am saying, we all deserve it.  Maybe you aren't in that phase where having an S.O. is a priority.  In all honesty, I think there should be a term of S.S. <- significant SELF.  What if today I believe I deserve a dozen coral roses?  Or even that candy I have been slapping my own hand over every time I reach for it? 

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Friday Female Frenzy

Yeah, that sounds about right when it comes to Fridays.  And I am sure we have all experienced THAT Friday.  Do you know which one I mean?  The one that the worst week possible has been longing to see so badly that it may actually bring you to tears.  THAT Friday!  Whether it is due to exams or "Aunt Flo" or the fact that every person you possibly know has gone mad, we've all had this day.  

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